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The Tragically Hip: No Dress Rehearsal @TIFF 2024

Iconic Canadian The Tragically Hip set to premiere documentary at TIFF 2024



The Tragically Hip
Gord Downie in The Tragically Hip: No Dress Rehearsal

The premiere at TIFF 2024 promises to be a significant cultural event, drawing attention from fans and critics alike. Mike Downie’s direction ensures a deeply personal and reflective portrayal, honouring his brother’s artistic journey and the band’s impact on Canadian music and culture. As the film makes its debut, it offers a unique opportunity for audiences to connect with The Tragically Hip’s story in a profound and emotionally resonant way, celebrating their extraordinary contribution to the music world while commemorating Gord Downie’s enduring legacy. FERNTV says that this is certainly not one to miss especially a band that is iconic to Canadian culture.

Fernando Fernandez is a graduate of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto. He became interested in entertainment journalism in the late 2000s writing for online startups. He founded FERNTV in 2009 and focused mainly on the film industry. With over a thousand interviews conducted with all walks of life in film, he is still learning as if every day is day one.

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