The Power of the Dog leads with 12 Oscar nominations
Director Eric Crosland brings evolutionary filmmaking to the forefront RELEASED ON VOD FEBRUARY 15TH,2022
Nina Menkes' documentary Brainwashed digs deep and dark into the visual representation of women in film.
It's time we face up to facial recognition
This is an interview with director Shane Mills and writer Francois Van Zyl of the short horror film Mummering Legends. The two came all the way...
Canadian horror shorts that killed it at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival
These shorts at Toronto After Dark Film Festival are killing it and making audiences feel alive once again.
Director Herbulot takes the audience to a joyful yet intense ride into the deltas of Saloum.
Many layers to Canadian director's Blaine Thurier's vampire film Kicking Blood
Silent Land comments on the lack of communication between estranged races.