Director Richard B. Pierre shows his spin on police brutality Despite the pandemic, last year was incredible for Canadian directors showing their moxie and sense of...
Director Carol Nguyen will you have you in tears in a few. The courage of Canadian-Vietnamese director Carol Nguyen is immeasurable. The 22-year old filmmaker who...
The 98-year old toy inventor has no signs of slowing down Most of us when we were children would have come across or played with one...
Actress Catherine Saindon displaying her talent across all mediums. Many films are easy to judge especially when it comes to short films where we can easily...
Toto steals everyone’s hearts in a robotic form. One of the best shorts of the year that is brilliant and heartwarming is Toto from director Marco...
Despite these difficult times, it has been quite the year for Canadian directors who have made an impressive splash in the film festival circuit. Director David...
Many of us during this crisis has already cried or is going to cry somewhere down the line because of something that may be completely out...
They say the little things mean a lot which can be said for the character James Wong, played by Kenny Wong, in the short film Dystonia. ...
Co-presented by AGJR Enterprise Inc. specializing in Financial Services It’s a nice feeling to be acknowledge for your efforts especially when it comes to the film industry... can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: FERNTV interview with Thea Hollatz @TIFF Canadian Press Conference ( This is a FERNTV interview with director Thea...