My Egg Boy, a Taiwanese film that was recently screened at Toronto’s ReelAsian Film Festival, is a heartwarming story about a modern woman who freezes her...
A woman’s frozen egg cell—portrayed by a boy in a white suit with a helmet—worries that his mother will never find love, thereby never allowing...
After speaking with director Joram Lürsen at The Royal Cinema about his film A Noble Intention (Publieke Weaken) which opened up the European Union Film Festival...
When we learned here on FERNTV that Ned Loach and Robert Gontier were no longer doing the theatre immersive experience called 360 Screenings, it was no...
When it comes to horror films, fans always look for the next scream queen and to see if she is as bodacious as the next cover...
It is that time of the year where FERNTV covers some of the latest and greatest from the horror industry to celebrate the Halloween season. What...
There has never been a better time or a better film festival to make filmgoers aware and become educated to the many social issues that has...
When I learned the film Werewolf was filmed in Cape Breton I was surprised because I am from Nova Scotia. However after watching the film I...
Before watching Green White Green, I was totally unsure with what to expect. I have never watched a film from Nigeria, however I...
Jesús is a film that shows the lives of young adults and their struggles in a landscape that allows them to be too free. Set against...