Actress Emily Goss breaks a leg in the Shudder Original Shook Shudder Original Shook is a modern-day horror film with loads of fun. Today’s world of...
Giullian Yao Gioiello heads A Nightmare Wakes with a racially diverse cast Playing the role of Percy Shelley is a tall order. Actor Giullian Yao Gioiello...
Alix Wilton Regan takes the reigns in playing the famous author Mary Shelley. Who is Mary Shelley? It should be a given that she wrote the...
Film shows a time period of Serbian struggle during The Holocaust. Serbians, Jews and Romas were perishing in concentration camps in Jasenovac during the Holocaust. Director...
Dream expert discusses the true meaning of our dreams Many of you are having dreams during these difficult times and are trying to find answers as...
Steven Kostanski expands his universe with the alien from the apocalypse and a whole host of others. It was disappointing that SXSW had to cancel their...
Canadian actor Bradley Hamilton is the shining star in Hometown Holiday Hometown Holidays is the next film that you should be watching on Netflix. That Christmas...
Brodie Nero knows the RIGHT approach to digital marketing Getting your business online is now more critical than ever before. The pandemic has forced businesses to...
Director J.R. Giurissevich is full of surprises in mysterious thriller By reading the synopsis of this film A Deadly Place you would think this is another...
A writer’s world is always mysterious and most of the time chaotic which happens to be the narrative most of the time. There have been several...