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Amy Adams in Nightbitch @TIFF 2024

Rachel Yoder’s debut novel adaptation is set to premiere on the silver screen @TIFF 2024



Amy Adams in Nightbitch
Amy Adams as Anna Fox

Nightbitch, the film adaptation of Rachel Yoder‘s debut novel, is set to make its premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, directed by Marielle Heller. The story centers around a former artist turned stay-at-home mother who begins to suspect she is turning into a dog. This unique and darkly comedic narrative explores themes of identity, motherhood, and the primal instincts that lie beneath the surface of suburban life. As the protagonist grapples with her transformation, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery that challenges societal norms and delves into the complexities of female rage and empowerment.

Under the direction of Marielle Heller, known for her work on Can You Ever Forgive Me? and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Nightbitch promises to be a visually and emotionally compelling film. Heller’s ability to balance humour and pathos will bring out the novel’s nuanced exploration of its protagonist’s internal struggle. The film is expected to blend elements of magical realism with a raw and honest portrayal of modern motherhood, creating a unique cinematic experience that stands out in the festival lineup.

As Nightbitch makes its debut at the Toronto International Film Festival, it is anticipated to garner significant attention and critical acclaim. The film’s intriguing premise, combined with Heller’s directorial vision and a strong lead performance, will likely resonate with audiences and critics alike. “Nightbitch” is poised to be a thought-provoking and entertaining film that challenges perceptions and invites viewers to reflect on the untamed aspects of their own lives. FERNTV says that this is a dog eat dog world that this film takes place in.

Fernando Fernandez is a graduate of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto. He became interested in entertainment journalism in the late 2000s writing for online startups. He founded FERNTV in 2009 and focused mainly on the film industry. With over a thousand interviews conducted with all walks of life in film, he is still learning as if every day is day one.

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